Sunday, January 22, 2012

Of Toxic Cocktails and Weary Joy

In the waiting room, we sat together and I thought about how nice it was to enjoy a quiet moment after a short week that had been anything but.

I scanned the configuration of chairs and the occupants who sat in them. On the flat screen mounted high in the corner, the newscaster earnestly addressed us as if we needed to hear what she said.

"Maybe we'll get lucky today."

Laura gave me the wry smile that left no doubt about the irony of her statement. If her platelet count was high enough, she would sit quietly for the next several hours while skilled professionals cheerfully dripped poison into her veins.

At least we'd be making progress again. Back on some semblance of a schedule.

This would be the next to last chemo treatment, at least of those with pernicious side effects. Thereafter, infusions would continue for the rest of the year, but shorter, with more specific cancer-targeting drugs.

We were lucky.

That was Thursday. And the side effects are now back. Sitting on the couch and watching old movies between naps is the routine again for the coming days.

Still, we are fortunate, and know it. Close friends and relatives struggle with Pancreatic cancer, joblessness, and depression.

Between prayers for these, we celebrate life's victories. Andrew has a wonderful new wife, Saundra (and we have a wonderful new daughter-in-law). William is pursuing his dream with advanced training in the Army while Elyse supports him from home. Lucas enjoys his career as a correctional officer. Simon is in classes at Oklahoma State. Our niece has been accepted at the University of North Florida and will soon be pursuing her dream there.

Lord grant us the courage to face our adversities and the wisdom to enjoy our blessings!

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